Sabbath Worship Experience – Bethel French Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Please join us on Sabbaths at 10:45 am for a worship service via YouTube & Facebook LIVE and the Church Phone Prayer Line# 805-3092350 pin 5422085. We hope this will be a way that we keep connected.

Sabbath Worship Experience

  • on March 11, 2020

Sabbath Worship Experience

We invite you to come worship and fellowship with us every sabbath (saturday) at 9:00 a.m with Sabbath School (Bible Study), and is available for children, teenagers and adults. Following the Sabbath School, our Worship Service begins at 10:45 a.m. and is filled with singing songs of praise, listening to Biblical sermon teachings, and rejoicing in His presence is the essence of our Worship Service.

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