Children Ministry

Children’s Ministries is established to meet the needs of children from birth to age 14, a crucial period for spiritual development. In addition to providing teacher-training for children’s Sabbath School, it provides programs and activities that foster the spiritual growth of children outside of Sabbath services, and includes programs to evangelize to children in the broader community.

Children’s Ministries provides materials and resources to assist churches in the following specialized areas: Children’s Sabbath School and camp meeting programs for the beginner, kindergarten, primary, junior, and earliteen divisions; Vacation Bible Schools; Neighborhood Bible Clubs; materials for teaching children faith and morality; family and individual children’s worships; home parenting support; children’s guides to stewardship; mission and outreach projects for children; children’s music; and religious instruction for schools and cross cultural programs for children.

Churches are urged to appoint Children’s Ministries coordinators to oversee this important aspect of children’s work. Elders share the responsibility of ensuring that the spiritual development of children is a priority in the church, creating ways to provide activities that meet their needs. Attending children’s programs and events not only encourages those who lead out, but also keeps the elder informed of the needs in these areas. Additionally, selecting leaders for this ministry is crucial. Filling other offices first and leaving children’s needs to the last is a failure to look to the future of the church. The training of children for leadership in the church assures that the church has its future in view and its priorities in order.

“Church should be a safe place to bring our children. Everyone involved with children who are minors must meet all Church and legal standards and requirements. In order to safeguard our children,
churches are encouraged to adopt policies that would provide a measure of safety and protection for children” (Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, pp. 174, 175).


Online Sabbath Schools Lessons from Beginner to Teens

Cornerstone Connections (Ages 15-18)
Real Time Faith (Ages 13-14)
Powerpoints (Ages 10-14)
Primary (Ages 6-9)
Kindergarten (Ages 3-5)
Beginner (Ages Birth-2)

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