
Round plate
Potato salad
Dice Carrots
Cut Green bell pepper
Ready to eat Chickpeas
Cut green beans
Cashews in half
Greek olives cut in half
Boil corn (whole kernel corn)
Green peas

Place potato salad at base of plate. Add in dice carrots lightly sautee in butter on top of potato salad. Stack cut green bell pepper on top of carrot. Add cooked chickpeas. Top with cut green beans lighlty coated with mayonnaise. Add boiled cashews cut in half, while keeping on going up the pyramid. Cut Greek olives in half and add to salad. For whole kernel corn add mayonnaise instead of butter to not make it flat, making it easier to stack. Continue to build your pyramid. Add mayonnaise in green peas as well to add on top of the whole kernel corn. You have reached the top. For added decor, you can add dry rosemary or dry oregano on the top of pyramid salad. You can also add lemon round and add parsley to it for additional decoration. Enjoy!

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