Men’s Ministry
The men’s ministry mission is to help the men of our church become godly fathers, husbands and strong leaders in our homes, church and community. Men’s ministry is an intentional attempt to bring men to God so they can make their way to God’s eternal kingdom. Men’s ministry concentrates on the male to better define […]

Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministries department empowers and equips women for ministry within their church and community. This department seeks to: Nurture women spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally,and socially.Empower women through training enabling them to be equipped and confident in fulfilling their God-given purpose.Encourage all women to be involved in outreach to others with love and compassion, helping […]

Children Ministry
Children’s Ministries is established to meet the needs of children from birth to age 14, a crucial period for spiritual development. In addition to providing teacher-training for children’s Sabbath School, it provides programs and activities that foster the spiritual growth of children outside of Sabbath services, and includes programs to evangelize to children in the […]

Stewardship ministry focuses on the lordship of Jesus Christ in the whole life of the individual. It provides a theological framework for a lifestyle of service, sacrifice, and partnership with God. It encourages financial stewardship, which reminds members of their spiritual responsibility to return tithe and give offerings of gratitude to God. These acts of […]

Personal Ministries
Every church member is called to minister. The Personal Ministries/Lay Activities leader encourages the development of spiritual gifts to win those outside the church, organizing members to implement witnessing and outreach programs. The Personal Ministries/Lay Activities leader works to inspire, motivate, and equip members to develop their God-given witnessing abilities and be missionaries in their […]

Sabbath School
The Sabbath School program is the discipleship heart of the local church. It “should be one of the greatest instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ” (Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p.10). Through its program of religious education, it provides spiritual growth through Bible study, small-group fellowship, outreach in service and witness, […]

Communication Department
Communication is central to every aspect of our local church structure today, technically making every leader in the church a communicator. But as the appointed communication leader, your role in ministry is specifically defined to insure that members are kept informed and the church is properly represented to the public. Following are the four areas […]

Community Services
Adventist Community Services (ACS) is a ministry and channel through which local Seventh-day Adventist churches minister to neighborhoods and cities. Inspired by the work of Dorcas in Acts 9, ACS began in 1874 as the Dorcas and Benevolent Association, comprised of women who provided clothes, food, money, and services to needy families. In 1972, the […]

Family Ministries
“Far more powerful than any sermon that can be preached is the influence of a true home upon human hearts and lives” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 352). The family meets the needs of social contact, belonging, love, and intimacy and helps establish personal identity and self worth. In the family, lifelong values are instilled. […]

Health Ministry
Health Ministries are an expression and extension of the healing ministry of Jesus. The stewardship of health is an act of praise and appreciation. Healthful living is a practical way to express appreciation for life, while being an example to the community of the blessings of a healthy life. Ministry of Healing by Ellen White […]