Cool Pita wrap recipe

Pita bread (cooked and soft)
2 leafs of lettuce
3 tomato slices
1 tbsp red cabbage (shredded)
1 tbsp carrot (shredded)
1 tbsp mix cheese

Place Pita bread down. Add lettuce, tomato, cabbage, carrot and cheese. Pull tight to make into a wrap (vlope li). Place half in paper and cut it at an angle. Eat with any salad dressing of your choice.

To make a platter
5 full pita wraps will give you 10 halfs. Arrange Pita wraps cut side without the paper (exposed) toward the outside of the plater, and the paper wrap part toward the center of the plater in a circular manner. In the middle of the plater add a bowl with your dressing of choice in it. It must remain cool. It can be refregerated. Enjoy!

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