
Give Using Givelify Giving

Quick and easy signup with Givelify Giving Platform. In the notes; please let us know where you would like your donations to go. (ie: Tithe, offering, youth, outreach, etc.)


Give Using CashApp

Cash Tag: $Bethelfrsda  or Phone: 407.860.1404   In the notes; please let us know where you would like your donations to go.



Cash or Check

Your cash, check or money order can be given

through offering during any service.

Mail Your Donations.


Bethel French SDA Church
Attn: Treasury
5431 S. Rio Grande Ave,Orlando Fl 32839. Please make your checks payable to: Bethel French SDA Church.  Any questions please email:

Upcoming Event

Stay up-to-date with all that is going on here at Bethel French Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Sabbath Worship Experience

Sabbath Service
9:00 am / 12:45 pm
Skin Color
Layout Options
Layout patterns
Boxed layout images
header topbar
header color
header position